The Town Hall Office will be CLOSED Friday July 3rd, 2020
The Town Hall Office will be CLOSED Friday July 3rd, 2020
Notice of Special Board Meeting on June 11th, 2020 at 6pm Agenda: Travel restrictions durning pandemic Hall use for meals on wheels Operator license approval for HP Dog Licensing
The Town Hall and Shop will be CLOSED – Monday May 25th, 2020 to observe Memorial Day
Open Book: June 1st from 1pm-3pm Board of Review: June 8th from 4pm-6pm
Local Town of Minong Supervisor Race Re-elected Supervisor #3 Linda Featherly with 222 votes & Supervisor #4 Jim Smith with 171 votes
Special Town of Minong Board Meeting Wednesday April 22, 2020 at 6pm Located at the Minong Town Hall Agenda: Purchase of Land Adjourn to Executive Session for Extension of Stay at Home Order
The Town Hall will be CLOSED Friday April 10th, 2020 to observe Good Friday
The April 13th, 2020 Regular Board Meeting has been RESCHEDULED for Wednesday April 8th, 2020 at 5:30pm located at the Minong Town Hall The Town of Minong is following the social distancing order. There will only be 10 people allowed inside, including staff. If you are sick or don’t feel well, please stay home.
Please visit: for current election and voting information for the State of WI View: April 7 Voter Registration and Absentee Deadlines